This is my third post in a series about the open source split-flap display I’ve been designing in my free time. I’ll hopefully write a bit more about the overall design process in the future, but for now wanted to start with some fairly technical posts about build automation on that project. Posts in the series: Scripting KiCad Pcbnew exports Automated KiCad, OpenSCAD rendering using Travis CI Using UI automation to export KiCad schematics OpenSCAD Rendering Tricks, Part 1: Animated GIF OpenSCAD Rendering Tricks, Part 2: Laser Cutting OpenSCAD Rendering Tricks, Part 3: Web viewer Since I’ve been designing the split-flap display as an open source project, I wanted to make sure that all of the different components were easily accessible and visible for someone new or just browsing the project. Today’s post continues the series on automatically rendering images to include in the project’s README, but this time we go beyond simple programmatic bindings to get what we want: the...